Gyms in Dunedin
- Find in Dunedin:
- Gyms in Dunedin
- Personal trainers
- Most requested services in Dunedin:
- CrossFit® in Dunedin
- Pilates in Dunedin
- Yoga in Dunedin
Find the best gyms in Dunedin in our directory to exercise and take care of your body. We are the largest national gym guide and have 101 gyms in the Dunedin area. Find the gym that is closest to your home or best fits your needs in terms of equipment, activities, services, and price.
From modern centers equipped with the latest fitness machinery technology to spaces dedicated to Zumba, Pilates, Spinning, Crossfit, and Yoga. Choose the gym that best suits your needs.
If you prefer to search by proximity, you can use our handy map to quickly locate the gyms closest to you in Dunedin.
Start today your journey towards a more active and healthy lifestyle. Our platform makes it easy to compare prices, services, and reviews from other users to ensure you find the best place to train in Dunedin.
Top 100 highest rated Gyms in Dunedin

St Clair Hot Salt Water Pool

Moana Pool

Flex Fitness Green Island 24 Hour Gym

Anytime Fitness Dunedin

Les Mills Dunedin

Resistance Climbing Gym

9Round Dunedin NZ

Jetts Dunedin

Snap Fitness 24/7 Dunedin

Propel Fitness Dunedin

Te Puna o Whakaehu

ABSolute Health & Fitness

Hot Yoga Dunedin

CrossFit® Dunedin

EMS Training Dunedin


#teamtash TRAINING

Let’s Go Fitness

Inspiring Women Dunedin

On-form Reformer Pilates Studio Dunedin

AM I FIT Group Fitness Training

NZ Fight & Fitness Academy

Body Synergy Gym

Brock Fitness

Olympic Gym

Mind Muscle

SkyFit24 Mosgiel

Anytime Fitness Kaikorai Valley

Port Chalmers Pool

Dunedin Gymnastics Academy

Lomac Hire and Service

Southern Peak CrossFit®

Valley Strength and Conditioning

Utopian Yoga

F45 Training Dunedin South

Jake Viggo Personal Training

Moana Gym

Back In Motion Physiotherapy & Pilates Clinic

BFT Dunedin

Xceed Health & Fitness

Dunedin Taekwondo Associated

Integrated Health Otago - Dunedin

Centre City Martial Arts

Jim Bunny's Health & Fitness Centre

Harbour Physio at Harbour Health Centre

Dunedin NZ Seiden Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate Do

College Street Gymnastics Club

Advance Health and Fitness

Intelligent Weight Training

Fi-G Muay Thai and Honey Badger MMA

Fire Protection Inspection Services

Others Gyms in Dunedin
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